How do you find the time for all that knitting and cycling?

The short answer is I don’t always. Finding time for knitting and cycling on top of full time job and general life is a challenge. There are many competing demands, and spending time knitting or cycling on my own can feel very selfish at times.

I often get asked how I can have time for so much knitting, as if I should feel guilty about it or as if I should have more important things to do. And sometimes I do have more important things to do. But it’s about balancing priorities (and constantly re-balancing priorities). It’s not that I don’t have other important things to do, but that I make the decisions about what is more important to me at any given time.

After a few weeks of not feeling great due to flaring chronic illness, and stressing myself out by feeling like I’m not doing enough, it’s time to take stock and check in with my priorities list. It’s time to remind myself of what is more important in my life at this time.

Yes, I should be doing lots of training rides. But letting my body rest when it needs to should take priority. And it’s too icy out there to ride anyway, so just rest.

And when energy stores are limited, use the resources available. Take the car to the gym session, take the bus to work, take a nap. The knitting and cycling can be picked up again later.

And when Christmas market or commission deadlines are looming but you still want to spend time with friends? Multitask! Bring the knitting to the pub, or to the party, or to the work meeting. It’s a good conversation starter as well. With any luck it might even lead to more commissions or sales?

How do you make time for the important things in your life? What is top of your priority list at the moment?

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