Fame at last!

Quite a while ago, I was interviewed by someone at work for the internal staff newsletter. I had all but forgotten about it until suddenly one of my students tagged me in a message in our course Teams group with a link to the just published staff magazine. Now I'm famous! Or possibly not... Not... Continue Reading →

Knitting in unlikely places

I'm always knitting, though usually only while sitting down. But with so many knitting orders to keep up with, I started also knitting while walking or hiking. I can only do that with fairly simple patterns, and it does make me walk more slowly. But it did mean a few more extra hours available for... Continue Reading →

Happy New Year!

New year, New me? Not really. I've never been big on new year's resolutions. They are just a recipe for disappointment when you inevitably fail to live up to them. However, that doesn't mean I don't have plans or hopes for the new year. And this year my plans and hopes are rather ambitious. Plans... Continue Reading →

What’s your motivation?

Some days getting out the door for a training ride is a breeze. Days when the sun is shining, energy levels are good, and I've got time to enjoy the ride. But then there are days that are harder. Wet and windy days. Long days at work when it's dark by the time I can... Continue Reading →

What’s going on?

Lately I've been feeling a little flat and uninspired and very tired. Looking at people around me, it seems like most of them are too. Everyone is complaining about how tired they are, everyone appears to be a little down or annoyed or stressed. It's like there's a dark cloud of gloom hanging over everyone,... Continue Reading →

Best laid plans….

Getting ready for a 545 mile bike ride is going to take some effort even if I have done it before. So at the start of September, I got some help to make a training plan. And for the first couple of weeks, everything was going well. Cycling 3-4 days a week, gym weekly and... Continue Reading →

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